Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Spiral of Silence

In 1974, German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann proposed the Spiral of Silence theory. She wanted to know what led the Germans in the 1930's-1940's to adopt the political positions that they did, leading to severe consequences. According to masscommtheory.com, the Spiral of Silence is defined by "the tendence of people to remain silent when they feel that their views are in opposition to the majority view on a subject." This theory aids us in our understanding of what opinions are prominent in politics and communication, and why those opinions are/have remained the majority's viewpoints.

3 Components
An article by the University of Twente notes that the Spiral of Silence is based on 3 components. First, people have a 'sixth sense' that helps them have an understanding of what the majority public opinion is without looking at any research or polls. Second, as people have a natural fear of isolation, we know what personal behaviors will result in an increased likelihood of being socially isolated. Third, because people are fearful of isolation, they will be hesitant to express their minority viewpoints.
Image result for spiral of silence

Creation of the Spiral
As mentioned above, the spiral is created by the intuitive understanding of what we believe the prevailing opinion is at that time. There are a few primary ways that the spiral expands and grows. First, as the majority speaks out about their beliefs, the minority distances themselves out of fear of becoming isolated. Additionally, as stated in masscommtheory.com, "as the perceived distance between public opinion and a person's personal opinion grows, the more unlikely the person is to express their opinion." Overall, the spiral occurs over a dispute in moral opinions, not in minor discussions such as what to have for dinner.

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Two potential weaknesses of this theory are the vocal minority and the Internet. Occasionally, the minority has no issue stating their opinion strongly in public, understanding the possibility of societal consequences. Also, the Internet has become a platform for all opinions, and, although not completely, somewhat levels the playing field for all voices to be heard.

The Spiral of Silence has major impacts on our society as a whole. Although a group may come to a decision over an issue quicker with the spiral in effect, that decision will not be a true consensus and as a result of hearing everyone's opinions equally, including the minority (or minorities). Different segments of our society (especially racial, socioeconomic, etc. minorities), and even other members of my family and generation in general, will have an extremely difficult time expressing their viewpoints due to fear of social isolation or rejection. The Spiral of Silence can lead to the dilution of opinions that are important to developing a truly diversified dialogue in our society.

That's all for now!

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