Friday, February 15, 2019

Communication at Work

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When we first think of apps that we use in our daily lives, it's easy to think of socializing and fun, whether it be playing Candy Crush, searching for the latest trending YouTube videos, or FaceTiming with friends. However, apps are continuing to become a critical tool in the workplace as well. Forbes shares a response to a question about the future of the workplace on Quora by Slack Co-founder Cal Henderson.

Slack is a professional texting app, where your various committees, teams, and other groups each have a separate channel in an easy-to-access panel on the app. This app allows for quick communication and increased productivity among members or a company or organization. Henderson believed that Slack, a professional texting-type app, and other apps of the like, will be how employees develop key communication and collaboration skills. I personally use Slack for a professional leadership development group that I preside over--the Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council. The Slack app has helped us tremendously in our organization, time-management, and collaboration skills. I am excited to see how the communication tools in the workplace continue to develop as I begin my professional life as well as how we can be more productive in the ways that we share information. I think that a large variety of companies and organizations could benefit from efficient yet professional communication among members.

That's all for now!

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